Look for 2025 details in the spring


2024 Semi-Formal Tickets

The CMS 8th grade Semi-Formal Dance will be held on Monday, June 10th at the CCHS Cafeteria from 6:30-9pm.  Dance includes dinner, DJ, Photo Booth and more.   Scholarship tickets available. Contact Justin Cameron jcameron@concordps.org 




Transportation for Boston-based students will be available at the end of the event, departing CCHS at 9pm.  Please complete Google form to sign-up.


Event Photographer

Professional Photographer, Lisa West, will be onsite during the first hour of the semi-formal to capture event pictures.  Everyone in attendance will receive a link to view the event photos.  Lisa West is donating her services so there is no charge to view and download photos.

Volunteers Sign-up

All parents may sign up for snacks/drinks, set-up & clean up shifts.  Last CMS volunteer event of the year!  Click here. 


6th & 7th grade parents PAY IT FORWARD by chaperoning the 8th grade semi-formal. 

Monday, June 10th, shifts available between 3-9:30pm at CCHS cafeteria.

Allow 8th grade parents to assist their students in getting ready, and 8th grade students to enjoy the event without their parents. 


Slideshow Picture Request - Due Monday, June 3

It is hard to believe that we are celebrating the end of 8th grade already.  Among the many celebrations is the 8th Grade Semi-Formal on June 10.  At this fantastic event we display a slide show featuring our 8th grade students.  We have worked with the yearbook team to gather pictures from throughout the school year.  We would also like to invite all of the 8th grade parents to contribute 2 photos of their student (any age - beginning of middle school and end of middle school, school portraits, first day of school photos - your choice!) to be included in our walk down memory lane. Please send them to Alexandra.ruhmann@mac.com by June 3.